Matching Gift Claim Application incorrect when Pledge Payment applied through an Enhanced Revenue Batch

When creating a Payment against a Pledge Installment within an Enhanced Revenue Batch where the Constituent has a Relationship with an Organization that matches gifts, the Recognition Applications created is Donation instead of Pledge when the Matching Gift Claim is automatically generated.

Review this solution for functionality when entering one-off Pledge Payments for a Constituent with a Relationship to an Organization that matches gifts: Matching Gift Claims are applying to Pledge Application

Steps To Duplicate

  1. Go to Revenue > Batch Entry
  2. Create an Enhanced Revenue Batch
  3. Locate and add a Constituent record that has an Outstanding Pledge Installment to the Batch
    • Note: Make sure the Constituent record has a Relationship to an Organization that matches gifts and the checkbox for "The organization will match contributions for this relationship" is marked
  4. Go to Revenue tab and apply the commitment for an outstanding Pledge Installment
  5. Update Projected Totals, Validate, and Save & Close the batch
  6. Commit the batch
  7. Access the Constituent's record and go to Revenue > Recognition History
  8. Note that the Transaction for Matching Gift Claim is showing with an Application of Donation instead of Pledge


Download and install the latest patch which contains all fixes from previous patches. If you are running an older version, download and install the latest version and then the patch. 


Affected Product:


Affected Product Version:


Resolved Version:


Resolved Patch/Service Pack:

Service Pack 10

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  • Blackbaud CRM
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