Sponsorship Status Part is not displaying active or historical Payment Information.

The Sponsorship Status Part is used to display current sponsorships and payment information as well as allowing for adjustments to payment information. The Payment Information tab is no longer displaying any active or historical payment information.

Steps To Duplicate

1. Create or use a sponsorship status part with default settings.
2. Log into BBIS as linked user that currently has an active recurring gift sponsorship.
3. Navigate to the sponsorship status part.
4. Note the My Sponsorships tab correctly display current sponsorships.
5. Click on Payment Information, note that both active and history do not return any information.


Download and install the latest patch, v4.0.172.0 Patch 46, which contains all fixes from previous patches. If you are running an older version, download and install the latest version and then the patch


Affected Product:

Blackbaud Internet Solutions

Affected Product Version:


Resolved Version:


Resolved Patch/Service Pack:

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  • Blackbaud CRM
  • Blackbaud Internet Solutions
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