Error: "String or binary data would be truncated" - When viewing the Communications or Interactions sub-tab on a Group, Household, or Committee record

If a user enters a Comment on a Communication or Interaction that has more than 200 characters on a group, household, or committee, users will get the error message below when viewing the Communications list or Interactions list on the constituent record.

String or binary data would be truncated.

Steps To Duplicate

1. Create or select a household, group, or committee constituent record.
2. Go to the Communications tab > Communications sub-tab > Add General Correspondence
3. Select the household/group/committee as the constituent > Pick a Correspondence Code and Date Sent > Enter a comment that exceeds 200 characters in length > Save.
4. On the Communications query view/list builder, set the filters to the following: 

-Communication: All
-Channel: All
-Date range: All
-Sites: All [Or pick whichever sites the user has access to]

5. Click Apply > Notice the error occurs.

Note: The same issue happens when viewing Interactions by following these steps.

1. Create or select a household, group, or committee constituent record.
2. Go to the Documentation and Interactions tab > Interactions sub-tab > Add.
3. Select the household/group/committee as the constituent > Fill in the other required and desired fields > Enter a comment that is longer than 200 characters > Save.
4. Notice that when viewing the Interactions Data List or Query View/List Builder, the user sees the error message.


Download and install the latest service pack/hotfix which contains all fixes from previous service packs. 

If Blackbaud hosts your database, create a case with Support to request this release be applied to your environment.


Affected Product:


Affected Product Version:


Resolved Version:


Resolved Patch/Service Pack:, Service Pack 12

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