Errors displaying multiple times on BBIS New User Registration page.

When submitting a new user registration  (using the URL addition ?tab=1) errors occur if fields are not filled out correctly.  The errors informing this on the page will display multiple times for some fields.  This does not occur if browsing to the new user registration state by any other means.

Steps To Duplicate

1. Browse to either client or sample link provided above.
2. Click "Submit"
3. Observe that the error messages for lack of address, Zip, Postcode and suburb display more than once.


Download and install the latest patch which contains all fixes from previous patches. If you are running an older version, download and install the latest version and then the patch.


Affected Product:

Blackbaud Internet Solutions

Affected Product Version:


Resolved Version:


Resolved Patch/Service Pack:

4.0, Service Pack 19

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  • Blackbaud Internet Solutions
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