Data could not be saved. There is already an active solicit code for this channel on this site. You can only have one active solicit code per channel on each site.

Multiple solicit codes with the same channel that have previously been marked inactive account be reactivated. If one of the solicit codes have been marked active, after de-activation

Steps To Duplicate

1. Login to BBCRM.
2. Go to the Marketing and Communications functional area.
3. Click Solicit codes under the configuration section.
4. Click the include inactive checkbox.
5. Select at least two solicit codes you wish to mark inactive that have the same channel. (I used "Test" and "Consent - Mail" to test with, you can filter by Channel on the data list and they will appear, both are mail. )
6.  Mark them both inactive by clicking the down chevron and click the Mark inactive button.
7. Attempt to mark both of the solicit codes active. One will be successful but the second code will be unsuccessful with the error message "Data could not be saved. There is already an active solicit code for this channel on this site. You can only have one active solicit code per channel on each site.


Download and install the latest patch, which contains all fixes from previous patches. If you are running an older version, download and install the latest version and then the patch


Affected Product:


Affected Product Version:


Resolved Version:


Resolved Patch/Service Pack: (Service Pack 16)

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