Blank values overwrite an existing constituent's address information - When processing BBIS Event Registration Transactions

When registering for an event using the Event Registration Form 2.0 in BBIS, if the address fields are left empty, the BBIS Event Registration Transaction Batch replaces the constituent's address information with blank data.

Steps To Duplicate

1) Create a new individual constituent with a primary address that has the address, city, state, country, and zip all filled out, in addition to any other desired address fields.
2) Enter a primary email address and a primary phone number as well.
3) Using that existing constituent's information, register for an event in BBIS using the Event Registration Form 2.0 and do not enter anything in the Address, City, State, or Zip Code fields. Enter the constituent's name and other contact information field values exactly how they on the constituent record.
4) Download the transaction into CRM.
5) Make sure the constituent is auto-matched > Validate the batch > Commit the batch.
6) Go to the constituent record > Contact tab > Notice that the constituent's primary address is now completely blank.


Download and install the latest service pack/hotfix which contains all fixes from previous service packs. 

If Blackbaud hosts your database, create a case with Support to request this release be applied to your environment.


Affected Product:

Blackbaud Internet Solutions

Affected Product Version:


Resolved Version:


Resolved Patch/Service Pack: - Service Pack 19

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  • Blackbaud CRM
  • Blackbaud Internet Solutions
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