Net Present Value calculates incorrectly when adding a Planned Gift

When adding a Planned Gift, the Net Present Value calculates incorrectly.

Steps To Duplicate

  1. Open up a constituent record.
  2. Click the Prospect tab followed by the Planned Gifts tab.
  3. Click Add to add a new Planned Gift.
  4. Choose a Prospect Plan and set the Planned Gift Vehicle to Retirement Plan Assets.
  5. Set the Gift Amount, Date, Net Present Value, and Date.
  6. Enter three designations on the Planned Gift Details tab with different amounts.
  7. Notice the Net Present Value has not correctly calculated to match the value to the amount in the same row.


Download and install the latest service pack which contains all fixes from previous service packs.​​​​​​​


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  • Blackbaud CRM
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