Steps To Duplicate
1) Using a constituent record that does not have a matching gift relationship, create a pledge and add a payment for that pledge.
2) On the payment revenue record, go to the Matching Gifts tab > Add > Add a matching gift claim.
3) When the matching gift claim is created, go to the organization record > Revenue tab > Revenue History subtab > Notice the matching gift claim's application is pledge.
4) Go to the Revenue functional area > Matching gift preferences > Mark the checkbox next to 'Auto-create matching gift claim from matching gift relationships' > Save.
5) Using a constituent that has a matching gift relationship, create a pledge and add a payment for that pledge.
6) On the payment revenue record, go to the Matching Gifts tab > The matching gift should automatically be added.
7) When the matching gift claim is created, go to the organization record > Revenue tab > Revenue History subtab > Notice the matching gift claim's application is donation.