Matching Gift Claims have an Application Type of Pledge when not automatically created by Matching Gift Relationship settings

When adding a matching gift claim on a pledge payment, the matching gift claim has the application type of pledge when the matching gift claim is manually added to the payment, either in batch or on the Matching Gifts tab of the payment revenue record. When the matching gift claim is created automatically based on matching gift settings and relationship settings, the matching gift claim has an application type of donation.

Steps To Duplicate

1) Using a constituent record that does not have a matching gift relationship, create a pledge and add a payment for that pledge.
2) On the payment revenue record, go to the Matching Gifts tab > Add > Add a matching gift claim.
3) When the matching gift claim is created, go to the organization record > Revenue tab > Revenue History subtab > Notice the matching gift claim's application is pledge.
4) Go to the Revenue functional area > Matching gift preferences > Mark the checkbox next to 'Auto-create matching gift claim from matching gift relationships' > Save.
5) Using a constituent that has a matching gift relationship, create a pledge and add a payment for that pledge.
6) On the payment revenue record, go to the Matching Gifts tab > The matching gift should automatically be added.
7) When the matching gift claim is created, go to the organization record > Revenue tab > Revenue History subtab > Notice the matching gift claim's application is donation.


Download and install the latest service pack/hotfix which contains all fixes from previous service packs. 

If Blackbaud hosts your database, create a case with Support to request this release be applied to your environment.


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