The @CURRENTAPPUSERID value is set to the Business Process Owner in SQL, rather than the application user that actually started the process - When running a Global Change Process

Description: When a user runs a global change process in CRM, the CURRENTAPPUSERID value that is passed in the USP_GLOBALCHANGE_[Specific Global Change Type] stored procedure running in SQL Server uses the APPUSER ID that belongs to the user who owns the business process, instead of the ID of the application user that ran the process. 

Note: Every other back-end process involved with the app user running the global change process uses the variable APPUSERID, which correctly calls the ID belonging to the person who clicked the Start Process action. Only the CURRENTAPPUSERID variable in the USP_GLOBALCHANGE procedure contains the global change process's owner.

Steps To Duplicate

1) User A goes to Administration > Global Changes > Creates a global change process. This can seemingly be any global change process; for example, the Add Constituent Attribute global change process.
2) Notice that User A is now the owner of this global change.
3) User B goes to Administration > Global Changes > Clicks the hyperlink on the global change name to go to the Global Change Process Page for this global change.
4) Before running the process, start a SQL Profiler Trace.
5) User B runs the process.
6) Immediately after the global change process completes in CRM, stop the SQL Profiler Trace > Review the trace file > Search for User A's APPUSER.ID > Notice that that the only place it appears is in the @CURRENTAPPUSERID variable referenced in the USP_GLOBALCHANGE stored procedure.


Download and install the latest patch, which contains all fixes from previous patches. If you are running an older version, download and install the latest version and then the patch.


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