Error: Could not download transaction with ID "xx". The error was: Unable to save batch row 1. Verify that the field NEWCONSTITUENT is present in the batch template and that the value for the field is valid.
When a BBIS user with a linked Constituent record attempts to make a donation the transaction will fail when downloading into CRM with the error " Could not download transaction with ID "xx". The error was: Unable to save batch row 1. Verify that the field NEWCONSTITUENT is present in the batch template and that the value for the field is valid."
Steps To Duplicate
Using a BBIS user with a back office link to a CRM Constituent: Login to BBIS.
Navigate to any donation form > Complete the donation.
From CRM navigate to Web > Manage web transactions > Attempt to process the Donation within Pending Transactions.
Note the failure: " Could not download transaction with ID "xx". The error was: Unable to save batch row 1. Verify that the field NEWCONSTITUENT is present in the batch template and that the value for the field is valid."
Download and install the latest service pack/hotfix which contains all fixes from previous service packs.
If Blackbaud hosts your database, create a case with Support to request this release be applied to your environment.