Error: Either the user, <username>, does not have access to the Infinity_DEMO_RPT_BBDW_UDM database, or the database does not exist when opening or refreshing an OLAP Excel report

When attempting to open or refresh an Excel OLAP report, the error: Either the user, <username>, does not have access to the Infinity_DEMO_RPT_BBDW_UDM database, or the database does not exist when opening or refreshing an OLAP Excel report is returned.

Steps To Duplicate

1. Navigate to Analysis and select OLAP Excel reports.
2. Highlight a report (Appeal Analysis, for example) and select 'Create workbook'.
3. Open the report in Excel and select 'Enable editing', and then 'Enable content'.
4. Receive the error: Either the user, <username>, does not have access to the Infinity_DEMO_RPT_BBDW_UDM database, or the database does not exist.


Download and install the latest patch, which contains all fixes from previous patches. If you are running an older version, download and install the latest version and then the patch.


Affected Product:


Affected Product Version:


Resolved Version:


Resolved Patch/Service Pack: (Service Pack 16)

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